
Lions Roar to the POWER of 88

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The 8-8-18 Lions Gate Activation:

Supercharged Energy Shifts—8:8 Lion’s Gate—Opens July 26 to August 11

The Lionsgate Portal is activated every year on August 8th when the Sun, Sirius, and the Earth move to specific points in the sky

Have you been feeling the pull to open to new levels of abundance, clarity and wellbeing? Have you been feeling more spiritually connected and a power to ROAR, and express yourself and get out of your comfort zone and old patterns, more confident or firey?

Well the Leo energy is strong and the fire is soaring right now. I know I have been feeling so inspired and passionate and signs for big changes, letting go of challenges and stepping into new levels of abundance and inner balance.

opening-lionsgate-portal-august-2017The annual 8:8 Lionsgate occurs on August 8th during the month of Leo, the Lion. It is the time of year when our planet aligns with Star Sirius and the Galactic Center, creating a harmonious portal that unites “matter and antimatter”. It is a special galactic event that enhances your ability to fully embody the divine self in physical form. The powerful energies of the Lion’s Gate portal are assisting Gaia through the Gateways of Time and into the higher dimensions that are guarded by the Royal Sirian Lions of yesterday and tomorrow.

Often called the Dog Days of Summer, the star Sirius (Dog Star) rises and sets with our sun between July 3 and August 11th. During this time Sirian indigo light uplifts humanity and opens portals to the halcyon days of Lemuria. The Sirians are members of the Family of Light assisting Gaia’s ascension.

The 8-8 Lions Gate opens the ‘hallways of time’ to ancient history when Sirian Masters traveled to Earth and taught the principles of Ascension. The ancient Egyptians celebrated the annual event when Star Sirius aligned with the Great Pyramid forming a frequency receptor of celestial light transmission.

Blue Star Sirius streams the indigo blue Light codes of an advanced race of Light Beings to Gaia and humanity that initiates the path of Ascension. They taught the lost Art of Alchemy, which they recorded on sacred scrolls, on pyramid walls and in the Halls of Amenti. The Sirian Masters introduced “Christ Consciousness” to humanity. While the Lions Gate is open, we are blessed with increased power and strength to change the world as a planetary sanctuary for all life.

Lovingly, Meg


With all that you can expect with these amazing portals opening and the cosmic energy alignments and our higher realm access being heightened, what can we do to support out growth, transformation and abundance? 

While there have been many intense energies and shifts this eclipse season, having out next eclipse on the 11th of August (11 being a powerful number of balance and synchronicity and us being in an 11 year in Numerology) , a partial solar eclipse. We have been shaken up, and most of us feel very tired and ready for new things and rejuvenation.  So it is about time, we set strong and clear boundaries for getting balanced, grounded and aligned to health, wealth and happiness.

Have you felt the pace pick up with synchronicities? I know I had a lot of rise in the number sync the last 6 weeks, and soulmates showing up, lovers from my past when I was 17 and a lot of intense projections and judgement from people for me to realign, refocus, and listen to the many messages from my guides and higher self. I had messages connecting to my birth name Cynthia and connecting to the soul that is part of this experience, that resonates with that part of me and my soul in harmony. Which is connected to the signs of Egypt (where I am living in Mexico, has Sehkmet (Lion headed goddess) statues and papyrus all around) have been strong, syncs about my life in Sirius and also connecting a lot to the Dolphins and there meditations, with sound

We have just entered our “Galactic New Year” and the pull to new beginnings is strong, letting go of the old and clearing ourselves completely for the new. We are now in a position to bridge words, gain greater access to lost information, remember our other lives, see where we are out of balance, make new intentions, let go of all that is not serving us for our new alignments and be than in a state of receptivity for healing, for balance and for greater abundance and well-being.

During this time it is easier to access higher realms, and receive downloads from angels, messengers, and your loved ones from the other side. It is also a favorable time for healing deep seeded wounds, and opening both the heart chakra and third eye.

“The Lions gate Portal is considered a gateway into the heavens and into higher realms of consciousness. During this time, higher frequency energies from the star, Sirius are beamed down onto Earth, in order to help advance the human race and raise the consciousness of the planet.”

Sirius has long been known as our “Spiritual Sun” and is revered by many ancient cultures as a place of higher consciousness. It is believed that higher frequency beings inhabit Sirius and that it is home to the purest type of love.

My top 5 tips for this Portal are:

  1.  Meditate more, or begin if you don’t. Here is a guide on this: and a link to my recommended meditations on YouTube: (Please also subscribe to my new channel,  note this playlist is not my videos I just compiled them)

  2. Ground. This is so important so that the higher energies and sometimes fast paced energy doesn’t burn you out or get you stuck in the clouds, also giving you balance and feeling more centered to better manifest your desires and new opportunities coming in. – Bare feet on ground. – Crystals such as shungite, black tourmaline and onyx. – Guided grounding meditations (some on above link to Youtube Playlist)

  3. Cleansing your energy field and clearing your past. (also amazing in prep for the Leo New Moon on the 11th, preparing for the new phase of the Moon) – Have a salt bath, or go to a lake or beach if possible and just soak and feel emotionally and energetically cleansed in the fresh water. – Use sage or pale santo. – Write down a list of all the thoughts, patterns, people and things you are letting go of and burn it. – Choose to release physically up to 11 things that don’t serve you in your life for your goals and intensions i.e. people, belongings, habits or choices (Possibly best after next tip).

  4. Get clear on what you are creating for the new you and the future you want to dream and align to and write a list i.e. healthy partnership (New or existing), healthier habits for balance and personal wellbeing, More wealth and abundance. Be really clear and detailed, this will help with intensions and manifesting the opportunities and resources.

  5. Extra self nurture i.e. Eat foods that are nurturing and gentle on your body and digestion, something that helps you align and integrate the higher frequencies. Go get a massage or an energy session. Have a coaching session to grow and align yourself to your goals.

Whether astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed. Elephant Journal


August 8th, i.e. on the 8th day of the 8th month, the energy is the most powerful. The flow is dominating and speeds up the 8 energies to their optimum capacity. This gives a great opportunity to boost the energy and fortify your spiritual growth.

Opening Of The Portal & Expansion Of Energy

The high recurrence vitality is relied upon to crack, migrate and go faster because of the overwhelming infinite occasion and shoot for alteration. It can help expand the impression of the planet by getting in and fortifying fresh light signs for the up and coming year.
There will be pouring energy through this opening.

The Sun will be firmly keyed up and transmit high vitality symbols to hoist our impressions of adoration and luminosity. We will be able to broaden and improve our spiritual senses, and boost up our consciousness due to the high frequency energy. We have to unlock ourselves towards accepting this soaring liveliness.

As the 8th of August nears I have been seeing 88 so much. Now I am actually born in 1988, so 88 has always been something in my awareness. But the signs and syncs have increased for the Leo energy, the Sirius energy and the POWER of 8, Manifestation and Abundance.

I am huge on manifesting, as a “Manifesting Generator” in Human Design. I have been big on aligning intention, affirmations and clearing with the Moon, for the power of manifesting and aligning to achieve goals in my life.

Angel number meaning of 88.


Angel Number 88 is thought to represent a message of practicality and possibility. This number also represents abundance and stability. Many interpret this Angel Number as being relevant to the financial realm. It is frequently thought to indicate that financial stability is in your future.


Number 88 is a powerful number as it is made up of the energies of the number 8, doubled and amplified. Number 8carries the vibrations and attributes of patience, practicality and dependability, personal authority and power, discernment and good judgement, ambition and potential, business acumen, finding success and manifesting wealth and abundance, self-discipline and responsibility, inner-wisdom, justice andKarma – the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect.Angel Number 88 is a powerful vibration telling of achievements, success, striving forward, progress and attainment.

The Significance Of – 8

The Strength card which is the 8th Tarot card, signifies to zodiac sign number 8– Leo, who is associated with the Sun. Leo signifies the number 8 which in turn leads to power and strength, infinity, knowledge, equilibrium, godly bond, consciousness and reincarnation.

But, just as a coin, balance also has two sides – positive and negative. The negative makes us terrified and unfocused because we have got home a brand new pair of shoes which we may adjust constructively. It tries its hardest to end, delay or deviate persons from rising up.

The Manipura Chakra

The Third chakra located in our abdomen is to be lucid, sunny, open, even-handed and in finest situation to obtain soaring power and radiance due to the arrival of the Sun’s energy. We have to keep our contaminated energy under check.

Power In The Flames

Although fire is considered to be vicious, it also gives life to the phoenix, who rises from the ashes defining rebirth. Leo brings in better fire energy. This strong transforming process brings new, chaste and something more sturdy to arise. Kind of an updated version. It is also concerning activity and the enthusiastic revival of supremacy.

The Best Lions Gate information for you all in one place.

Much love, abundance, balance and peace Beloved Ohana.  DFae xx

#Consciousness #HigherGuidance #Abundance #LionsGate #88 #AngelNumbers #Synchronicity #DestinyFae #ChannelYourHeart #Be #BeRealBeTrueBeHonestBeYou

Image Credit: Feature1234.

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“Be Real, Be True, Be Honest, Be YOU.” – Destiny Fae

Intuitive Medium, Transformation Coach, Healing Facilitator, Poetry, Writer/Author, Inspirational Speaker, Thought Leader and New Earth Visionary. – for sessions email:

Check out past posts: BE the Status-YOU ~ Kick the Status-QUOThe Seed: Whole Systems Transformation, Being a WOMANThe Spider and the Moon: Ceremony/Tips on SignsA Journey of 1000 miles — Your birth is that first step…My Top 5 Tips to Life/achieving your dreams:

A Journey of 1000 miles – Your birth is that first step…

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“A Journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step” – Lao Tzu

Your birth is that first step…

After many beautiful sunrises and sunsets all over the world and full moon magic so many places.

(Dating back to December) From the beautiful town of Rosarito Mexico (country number 12 in 2 years) I offer a journey of my own, from only 2 years, as it has been the fullest experiences of my life, for I take that step out of bed each day, with the intent to be my best and live life to the fullest.

There was a time a few years back where I was tired, sick, depressed, anxious and lonely… both 10 and 17 I attempted to end my life.

I was grateful, I was opening and surrendering to my purpose, I would give all of my self and was slowly cracking open to a new world, a new life and a new being, like the phoenix rising from the ashes….. My intuition began to grow, in some intense ways, from hearing others thoughts to seeing premonitions.

My mother was sick with cancer and I had a full-time job, achieving all the things I had thought I was meant to, single though with no time for love or my nurture being met, in debt, with no supportive person in sight, many nights I cried myself to sleep, praying for guidance. One day, enough was enough, I made a promise to myself, that each day I would live life as though it was a dream, to face fear head on and follow my heart. This day was the turning point and all else became magic, even in the challenges.

Through this time I was a boss, a worker, a business owner….
I became a speaker, and spoke all over the world, my truth and passion, to different crowds of people, from poetry of the heart to channeled messages from the stars and tips and lessons for growth and authenticity.

I have been called a liar, a fraud, a bad friend, fat, ugly, hated, an attention seeker and much more horrible names, all which I have forgiven. I always aspired to be honest and the best self I could be, growing up I was told I was too nice, but continued to move and act in service and love to my best awareness. For words can cut so deep, at times I believed these pains of others as my own, until I realized we all hold our own truth and universe to create and share.

I have lost so many friends, been kicked out by family, had some really harsh and nasty things happen to me, even in my youth, I have been beaten, as an adult sexually abused and much more. But none of this makes my choices and decides my destiny or my worth.

I have been so blessed and gifted with the experiences I have had.
Shortly after my dear mother passed I set out on a journey, later to be known as the philosophers path, money showed up at the last minute to make this dream a reality, each night I went to bed and looked at my vision board, seeing and feeling my travels all over the world a reality and knowing in my heart of hearts I would be rewarded for all the nights I had suffered and still faced each day with new hope, respect and service. I had since quit my full time job, after my mother passed, after suffering exhaustion and severe hormonal imbalance from a long time of neglecting what my body was calling for, love, kindness, gentleness and peace. There was some misunderstandings and my leadership and innovation did not suit the norms of a huge corporate business, even one that was created on ethical principles.


I am not going to share every step along this journey for I know you have your own stories and experiences of magic and hardship, but some details I am guided to share.

I had the common childhood of a middle child, in a big family with catholic parents, so my indoctrination into systems and all the do’s and don’ts in life was deep. This caused so much guilt and anxiety through puberty and feelings of unworthiness and being bad.

Since my mother’s passing 2 years ago and my commitment to live each day to the fullest I have lived many of my long time dreams in only 2 years:

Climbed many mountains and visited many magical beach’s, became a motorbike rider, I learned to surf, I got to go skydiving, walk on hot coals. be surrounded by 1000’s of dolphins in the middle of the ocean, paragliding next to the Himalayas, ride a camel from the Great Pyramids to the Sphinx in Egypt, See the Taj Mahal in India, Witness some of the greats of Europe – Leaning tower of Pisa, Colosseum (dangled my feet off the edge) and the Vatican, volunteered in India and spent time in half the states of North America and Most states of Australia, I have been on motorbikes in India, Nepal, Australia, Italy and Watched the sunrise in Uluru one of the most sacred lands and sights in Australia after hitch hiking across the country, visited so many sacred sites, been part of a prayer ceremony in North Dakota and on the Ganges in India, been to the birthplace of Buddha and tracked the Sacred lands of Sedona Arizona, walked along Hollywood walk of fame and many other places and not to mention all the amazing and magical food I have tasted.

I started writing many novels (Traveller Destiny – Destinies Journey to name a few (Details on release here) and wrote in my 3 blogs and publishing poetry, expanding my business and building an amazing team, collaborating with some outstanding way showers and soul family and learning from some brilliant children.

I have seen the likes of Oprah, Hugh Jackman and Stevie Wonder live on stage, shared ceremonies and rituals with shamans and chiefs, shared stories and music with elders of different countries.

I have met, pixies, wizards, angels, ET’s, sages, shamanes, chiefs, unicorns, dolphins (in human form), mystics and so many magical and wise beings, all whom have taught me so much.

I have held my passing mother in my arms and watched her pass on, I have cried until I nearly threw up, held babies so small in awe of their magic, held hurt and dying animals close with love and comfort, stood naked in front of many and bared my soul to be seen, I have peed my pants, fallen and broke down, screamed and yelled, hurt myself in frustration, crashed my car, lost parts of my mind, thought I was going to die from not being able to breathe, been in hospital nearly dying and more wins and wounds, I have laughed, cried, sang and danced to my hearts content all over the world, without any apologies.

I have opened myself up so much to be seen, to be hurt, to be loved, and to love myself and others so deeply, I have been very deeply heart broken and feel the pains of those close and far. I have loved so deep it hurt oh so many times, I have been rejected by those I would give my life for, been shut out and shunned.

I have protested for human rights, indigenous rights, animal rights and the land we live on and it’s water, I have stood on the streets for anyone in need of a hug, an ear to listen, someone to care, I have given shirts off my back, blankets and food to the homeless. I surrendered most of my physical possessions and became a gypsy following the call of spirit and being grounded in the NOW.


I have watched the homeless cry and children beg for money, I have slept on the streets on numerous occasions with love and gratitude in my heart. I have held many people through grief, listened and cared when they hurt and shared their pains and challenges with me, trusting me to be strong, to be compassionate.

I had much inner healing, both self and external, from reiki, angel healing, shadow healing, dream therapy, coaching, past life regression, oracle and psychic readings, mind shift work, crystals, gongs, medicine drums and other sound healing, chakra balancing, many meditations on forgiveness and self love, used affirmations and guided meditations and more.

I have been to many seminars and workshops on business, success, life, public speaking, presentations and much more, been to spiritual retreats and had visions of so much deep in meditation and through yoga practices, mudras and chanting.

I opened up my spiritual channels to be a voice for the earth and her children, to channel books, poetry, oracle cards, festivals, documentaries and more.

I have spent months at a time in confinement studying health and wellbeing, philosophy and philosophers, ancient teachings and history, scriptures, religions, crystals, healing and many 100’s of educational books, on business, relationships, personal development and spirituality, also videos, articles and live presentations. With certified study in healing, coaching and many other modalities.

Many jobs as a writer, an assistant, a sales manager, a trainer, a psychic, an oracle, a counselor, a healer and more, as well as being on many radio shows and video interviews for multiple projects.

I have learned to love so deeply, share myself in truth and rawness, without fear of acceptance, hate, judgement or abandonment, in person and online, to so many. I have met the truest and deepest of loves, bonds so deep, magical and unexplainable from other worlds.

I feel I have lived a full life in only two short years of this life. I am so grateful and honored for the 1000’s of souls I have met, shared with, call family, friends and more, for those no longer in my life who I think of very much and those who only crossed my path briefly.

I found my Soul, My Souls Name, My Soul’s Destiny and I found My connection to Spirit/God/Source/Prime Creator.

Through all this the one thing that still scares me the most is being open and vulnerable to be rejected by the ones I love the most, to find such deep within myself to not fear or worry for any needed external. Very rarely in my life do I ever ask for help or will I call a friend in tears, I am often the one called for a shoulder, an ear, a kind word, encouragement and love. For this I go within, to god, christ, the divinity I know we all have within us and always will. This has been a catalyst for some of my greatest transformations and channelings.

I would never give up a single second of this life and experiences no matter how painful, challenging or hard it seemed in those really bad times and to receive the gift of the perseverance and to remain with a kind heart and smile on my face, for me and for those watching who are also suffering and wanting to know it gets better and it does.

I am no different from you, from all of this joy, pain, happiness, sadness and more I have simply learnt we are all beautiful, we are all worthy and powerful, we are all unique and brilliant, we are all seeking our inner truths, love, acceptance and place in this world.

I have become and let go of many selves, real and false over the last 24 months, shed so much, stories, pain, parallel lives, shadows, entity attachments, ego parts, integrated much of my masculine and feminine, old beliefs and programs and still so much more to release.

I love you so much, more than words can express and from all my experiences the ones that are dearest to me are when I drop my guard and be seen, as real, as raw, as human and beyond human, when I see the light in me and others, to do anything and be free, to be a light, to rise above adversity and follow our bliss, to share some extraordinary experiences with people all over the world.

From the desert to the country, the beaches to the city in many roles I played, many sizes in clothes, many hair styles and colors, many places and faces, many views and opinions, many costumes and pretends and play:

“I Am that I Am” No more and No less than each and every single being in this amazing universe.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you, no matter who you are or where you are, I honor your path, your experience, and purpose and say let your dreams manifest, you are more than worthy.

If I could share advice for one thing from all of this it would be:

“Listen, Listen to your heart, Listen to the wind, Listen to your body’s wisdom, Listen to your Divinity and your inner intuition and liberating power and gift from our Creator” – Destiny Fae

Bless – Mahalo

Mahalo nui loa

Check out: Traveller Destiny –  Xmas Magic – Power of YOUGrowth from the Journey$1 a HUGAs the Phoenix rises from the Ashes:  and Inspire Destiny – Top 5 Tips to LifeDivine Masc and Fem RisingDREAM BIG – THINK BIG – LOVE BIG = 3 Manifesting WowNew Earth NOWGenerosity and Giving, Caring CommunityOur Time is NOW!!!

“Be Real – Be True – Be Honest – BE YOU.”

With Peace, Love and Light.
Namaste – Infinite blessings

If you would like more useful advice, guidance, healing or support check out our services below on our website and facebook page.

Inspire Desiny
Intuitive Medium, Transformation Coach, Healing Facilitator, Poetry, Writer/Author, Inspirational Speaker, Thought Leader and New Earth Visionary.

Feature Image Credit, Image 1 Credit,  All other photos taken by Writer.

Divine Masc and Fem Rising

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Divine Masc and Fem Rising:

Ok!!! OK!!! ok!!!

 Ladies and gentlemen- far and wide. We are bringing in the NEW. We are busting the systems.
I want YOU! To share. Your views, your experiences. The thought of as taboo.

  I was inspired. A hit of glorious proportion.

 I want men on the path to the divine masculine and women on the path of divine feminine. Scoops on alternative relationships, conscious unions, your journeys, bared all. To inspire and ignite the permission in ALL beings to their divine potential and ability to co create what their highest sexual, spiritual and balanced life and love in all areas can be. Not with guilt, force and lust. But with love, nurture and true glorious and divine pleasure beyond our physical vessels wildest dreams.
Their is going to be a HUGE, EPIC summit held in April. More details will be released in coming weeks. I’ve been guided to take the Internet by storm by way of online summits, touching on topics we’ve been told not to speak of. Bringing the most current education, skills, tips and discussions for solution and global Unity to the fore front, for all to bare, to share and to see.
We are going there, we are barring all. Going big, sharing all and creating a whirlwind of new ways and some ancient ways restored.
I want to interview several of you, over the coming month and get some of you as affiliates and sponsors of this summit.
Titled – Divine Masculine and Feminine Rising.
This will be a recurring summit in time and a daughter product of my newly co created –New Earth New You NOW– foundation – bringing you and we ALL: the greatest topics, solutions and gatherings for this coming age of fire, purification and liberation for all sovereign beings of love.

New Earth NOW

“Many would dispute the idea and claim that we are NOW in a “New Earth”. What has changed? What is new? Why do you think that? or you may say that is some “New Age” junk and I am crazy, let me explain myself:

I have been in a huge state of preparation, for the past several years, re awakening to my feelings, psychic abilities, gifts and taking a path of radical self love, travel and throwing myself in the deep end to grow. There has been many known things on this journey, mostly from inner knowing and experience, I have had since my youth (including dreams and visions), which has only gotten stronger. More and more experiences have begun to prove these knowings, from other people having experiences, research and science proving things with Quantum Mechanics and Physics and other more modern and universal sciences.”

Now is our timeNow is our time to share, to speak, to show our raw and true sparkle and shine, take it to the world, explode the lid off the should not’s and can’t dos.

 Tag, share and if keen for speaking, collaborating, sponsoring or interviews email me direct at:

“We are the NOW, we are the future and we are the LIGHT shining on the darkness.” – Cynthia Jauch

Come together to delight and shake things up. The world is ready and waiting and so are WE.
I applaud you for your rawness, your brilliance, your shine, your kickass show up and embody your divinity, example.
With honours, Ma halo Ohana.

Music: Aetopus2 – Nature Matters on YouTube.

Statistics from:……

More Resources at above sights.

This topic is something I have been exploring for about 12 months in much greater details.

Inner Balance


“Inner Balance & Top 5 tips for Masc and Fem:

Recently a lot has been happening to help me become more balanced, grounded and in harmony with my whole. From travel, adventure, experience and I have begun studying Tantra and More Energy movement practices, these have had such a profound effect on me feeling peace and well-being. I begun a meditation and mindful practice of connecting my yin and yang energies in powerful, intimate, respectful and loving actions in my heart and mind. The changes I have noticed are, attracting different people mirroring the change, a greater feeling of balance,  a deeper feeling of self love, more support and ease and grace in manifesting all my needs outside of myself.”


Respecting Your Sacred Temple


“Respecting Your Sacred Temple: The Gender Battle within and 10 Tips on Deeper Respect.

6. Sacred Sex:

For me this means only engaging in any sexual act when it is out of love and respect, in a way that is for the intimacy and connection of both parties who are committed and love each other, sex is naturally sacred but our views and attitudes of it has been so twisted that it has become a tool for quick pleasure and lust in which degrades it and all involved. If you are seeking sex as an escape eventually you will have to stop and heal and take responsibility, either through an STD’s, STI’s or pregnancy. Sex is meant to be an act of love, but with so much of the skewed views and attitudes that have been influencing us, people are scared to be seen and open up to being real, raw and vulnerable. Sex is so much better when sacredness and honour is involved, where two souls are connecting to feel unified and spiritually alive and grow.”

Sex, Love and New Paradigm Union


“Sex, Love and New Paradigm Union:

#newparadigm #maleandfemalebalance #sexualunion #createsomethingnew #createwhatyoursoulwants #knowwhatyouwant #beworthyofmore #consciousnessexpands

I think the old paradigm male/female connection and synthetic and ego relationships needs to be shed, it doesn’t suit most people (hence all the: fights, gender battles, abuse and cheating) but most people don’t question it to create something new.
I now will only enter into a Sacred Soul Union  with someone, and only engage in Sacred Sex.
But I now know what I want with clarity.
I couldn’t get it before I knew of the opposite. All my actions will be aligned to only accepting these things into my world as possibilities.
Get Clear, Learn what you don’t want, Labels of the old and common way don’t work for most people.”


Bless – Ma Halo Ma Halo Ma Halo

Check out: Traveller Destiny –  Xmas Magic – Power of YOUGrowth from the Journey$1 a HUGAs the Phoenix rises from the Ashes:  and Inspire Destiny – Inner BalanceNew Earth NOWGenerosity and Giving, Caring Community

“Be Real – Be True – Be Honest – BE YOU.”

With Peace, Love and Light.
❤Namaste – Infinite blessings

Cynthia Jauch

If you would like more useful advice, guidance, healing or support check out our services below on our website and facebook page.

Inspire Desiny
Intuitive Medium, Transformation Coach, Healing Facilitator, Poetry, Writer/Author, Inspirational Speaker, Thought Leader and New Earth Visionary.

Feature Image Credit, Image 1 Credit, Image 3 CreditImage 3 Credit.

DREAM BIG – THINK BIG – LOVE BIG = 3 Manifesting Wows

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DREAM BIG – THINK BIG – LOVE BIG = 3 Manifesting Wows:

Best thing I herd today: “Keep thinking big and keep the space in your plans and schedule for those who get it and also think big.”
I was so thankful to be thoughtfully thanked and acknowledged for my “LARGER than life” IDEAS and THINKING.

“It is really the inspiration that gets you through any challenge” – Cynthia Jauch

I have had the most wonderful and long first day in Hawaii, so many things done, new ideas, brainstorming, visioning and much more.
I really took so much restoration from the other big thinkers I connected with and was refreshed to KNOW others got it and also had the same BIG plans, and when we come together and THINK them, Believe them, KNOW them and fill them with LOVE, nothing will stop them from being seen and felt by many, as the visions come together, as all the puzzle pieces are uniting.

We are BEing the CHANGE, we are BEing the SHIFT, we right NOW are BEing the NEW and Evolved place for Peace, for massive growth and success.

We are really limitless, when we allow those programmed limitations to leave, align ourselves to our higher selves, our brighter selves, our most unique and creative selves, empowered by our life giving drive and passions, through a sometimes overwhelming exuberance that others become infected by, if they like it or not.

ARE you READY? Ready for BIG?

To be in your expanded and empowered and elevated YOU ???


Solutions are NOW!!!

Freedom is NOW!
Thinking BIG and BOLD is NOW!!

Stepping UP is NOW!!

I love the knowing in NOW, of pure potential!
Use conscious thoughts, of what you wish for.
See different within.

Care BIG!

Share BIG!

Believe BIG!


Show BIG!!

and most importantly – LOVE BIG!!!

I hereby give you permission, on this Chinese NEW YEAR. To be the brightest, boldest, greatest, loudest and most big expression of YOU.

Chinese New Year 2017 – The Year of the Rooster – has begun and will last until Feb 15, 2018.

The new year, also known as the Spring Festival, is marked by the lunisolar Chinese calendar, so the date changes from year to year. ”

Sunrise in Hawaii (Big I) Chinese New Years Eve
So I had sensed I would be here for New Years, I was in Mount Shasta California (Chakra point and energy center of earth), I almost felt myself here in Hawaii, than like magic things flowed and showed up for me to be here just before the Chinese New Year. I have massive affinity to China and went there in 2015. Check out this post about my interest in their culture: Overcoming fears and speaking your TRUTH and Water Meditation
A Poem I wrote today. 27th Jan

Transformed Land:

Treasured space,
shared land.
Healing all around.

Chirping Birds,
Buzzing bees.
Swaying Breeze.
Humming Sounds.

The rain falls,
cleansing all our selves.
The waves crash,
full of love.

Plants begin to birth,
fruit of sweetest sense,
Everywhere you go.
Humble Eco homes.

Simplicity of time,
Sacred shapes in harmony.
Dolphins play,
singing freely.

Visions of purest places,
here in this NOW.
We can see peace,
within our hearts.

Know you do,
Your higher YOU.

Stored in deep,
a magic to restore,
we KEEP.
Open the DOORs.

In you sacred temple.
The reflection,
in gratitude.
A location,
everywhere, is NOW.

SHE shifts.
Choose light,
Choose FREE,
Choose BE.

Happiness in ME,
this sacred know.
A world, of peace,
Soon shall BE.

© 2017 Cynthia Jauch
A Symphony of Words


 3 Manifesting Wows


Our Dreams are thoughts, powerful ones with desire and passion, they hold keys to unlock our life path and purpose. When we let our inner DREAM effect our outer DREAM (“Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Life is but a dream” 😉 ) it has massive Manifesting potential, when we are in happiness and alignment our vibration attracts what we want fast, based on Law of Attraction. The BIGGER the Dream, the more inspiring and the greater the energy inside to Attract.

Our Time is NOW!!!

This morning…. I had a dream in a mildly lucid and half-awake state; it was almost a command to me to do something. I was writing and expressing an understanding of something, it was about urging people NOW, to wake up. To realise their innate divinity within and to start coming together in UNITY in any way which they CAN. To express and share my story and message to set a tone and cue for anyone waiting to be given this permission to be brighter  and to let their sparkle shine. There was an immense urgency in this dream, it never left when I awoke, thoughts of the pending planetary shifts with Super Moons, Orionid meteor shower and us easing closer to the centre of the galaxy, such tension building for so much, and uploads of energy. It is never been more important to stand in your sovereignty and unity, be you and let your amazing self shine. It is the eve of the Rare Aries Super Moon promising lots of changes. If you are reading this, I know there is an important reason for it.”


THINKING is a constant and ALL comes from thought, let your thoughts be of ALL that you really want, they create your reality, they create your perspective and they create your perceived challenges, problems and solutions. Be very mindful of your thoughts, choose them consciously and be empowered to know what they are creating AS a CAUSE to an EFFECT. Getting your WORDS and THOUGHTS aligned to your desire, create the means and the material to co create it.

The POWERful MIND: 3 Keys

“We all have a mind, the energy of our mental bodies. This place is the beginning of all creation. When we are victims and servants to our mind, we feel helpless to our unconscious habits, patterns and behaviours, humans are naturally creatures of habit, habits in our thoughts become our feelings and then actions and they inevitably become our results. In our life we want the best, so why would we not harness a powerful tool of our own minds to create all that we can think of.

Our unconscious mind is so powerful, it decides that our body will work and keep us alive, the way we see the world, what things we allow in and out of our mind, what we will actually see (we have a delete, distort and generalize filter in our minds).”


LOVE is one of the Highest vibrations, it heals, it expands and it nourishes. When you open your HEART and let the energy circulate through ALL your bodies, energy and physical you have more flow, health and abundance channelling around you. In this flow, you align to the U-in-verse-all (UNIVERSAL) flow and have its support for the natural order and progression of evolution and infinite ABUNDANCE.

Self Loved Up

“To me self love is about removing all the thoughts, feelings, words and actions which are unloving towards ourselves. This is a process, but an extremely important one. When we are unconsciously feeling unworthy and unloved by us or by others, we create sabotage and punishment for ourselves. Leaving us feeling lonely, abandoned and unworthy of the things we deserve and desire. But we have put ourselves there. Yes, our society does not educate us to embrace our individuality, in fact it suppresses our nifty quirks and gifts, all to be the same for a future of feeling enslaved by a system and grabbing at little things to create joy and fulfilment, easily addicted to that little time we feel love, or joy and then when it is gone, we crumble, not having a solid pillar of inner love for us, which is so important for our growth, fulfilment and connections in life.”


 ALSO Check out this Awesome Book on thinking BIG
The Magic of Thinking Big By David Schwartz

Bless – Ma Halo Ma Halo Ma Halo

Check out: Traveller Destiny –  Xmas Magic – Power of YOUGrowth from the Journey$1 a HUGAs the Phoenix rises from the Ashes:  and Inspire Destiny – Inner BalanceNew Earth NOWGenerosity and Giving, Caring Community

“Be Real – Be True – Be Honest – BE YOU.”

With Peace, Love and Light.
❤Namaste – Infinite blessings

Cynthia Jauch

If you would like more useful advice, guidance, healing or support check out our services below on our website and facebook page.

Inspire Desiny
Intuitive Medium, Transformation Coach, Healing Facilitator, Poetry, Writer/Author, Inspirational Speaker, Thought Leader and New Earth Visionary.

Feature Image Credit, Image 1 Credit,  Image 2 Credit, Image 3 Credit, Image 4 Credit

The ART of being RAW!

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The ART of being RAW!!

What can you learn from those clumsy days you feel you are stumbling through?


Hahaha! So sometimes we are a bit out of wake and need to give ourselves some TLC, or just be more present. What is the Universe telling you?


The Art of Being Authentic – Huffington Post

“As I listened to the conversation and shared my own thoughts I realised there was a word that united all of us in what we were sharing and would unite all our sessions, and that is the word ‘authenticity’. Each one of us, in different ways, made reference to the best communicators being the ones who are authentic; the people who are genuine in their reasons for speaking, or their desire to connect with their audience. The ones who don’t put on a front, but who are true to their reason for communicating.”

Some Great Books on Authenticity




A drop in the ocean,
An expression,
So real.
A persecuted fault,

Feeling unworthy,
Not always vibing,
Of being seen.

To be alone.
How to move,

The desire,
To hide away.
A fear, of unknown.
Breeding, not enough.

Release, surrender.
Allow, to be undone.
See the truth.
The courage,
To face.

Real deep love,
Allow it to stay.
Needed, silence,
And quite.

Being seen,
A hard truth,
May reveal.
Beating deep,
Below the steel.

Look out,
From the cage,
You built.
Freedom waits.
Release the seal.

Opened heart,
A softened state.
You are loved.
No matter,
Your rate.

Know your worth,
For living still.
Shed, the false,

© 2016 Cynthia Jauch
A Symphony of Words

Bless – Ma Halo Malo Ma Halo

Check out: Traveller Destiny –  Xmas Magic – Power of YOUGrowth from the Journey$1 a HUGAs the Phoenix rises from the Ashes:  and Inspire Destiny – New Earth NOWGenerosity and Giving, Caring CommunityOur Time is NOW!!!

“Be Real – Be True – Be Honest – BE YOU.”

With Peace, Love and Light.
❤Namaste – Infinite blessings

Cynthia Jauch

If you would like more useful advice, guidance, healing or support check out our services below on our website and facebook page.

Inspire Desiny
Intuitive Medium, Transformation Coach, Healing Facilitator, Poetry, Writer/Author, Inspirational Speaker, Thought Leader and New Earth Visionary.

Feature Image Credit, Image 1 Credit,  Image 2 Credit

Inner Balance

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 Inner Balance & Top 5 tips for Masc and Fem:

Recently a lot has been happening to help me become more balanced, grounded and in harmony with my whole. From travel, adventure, experience and I have begun studying Tantra and More Energy movement practices, these have had such a profound effect on me feeling peace and well-being. I begun a meditation and mindful practice of connecting my yin and yang energies in powerful, intimate, respectful and loving actions in my heart and mind. The changes I have noticed are, attracting different people mirroring the change, a greater feeling of balance,  a deeper feeling of self love, more support and ease and grace in manifesting all my needs outside of myself.

“What you seek is seeking you ” – Rumi


Purpose Vs Balance:

“Purpose VS Balance, always prioritize love, inner peace, gratitude and trust in the cosmic connectedness and ALL being done in perfect time.” – Cynthia Jauch
When you feel you are not enough, when the lists of things to do, should do, would do, how to be, the stories of all that will go wrong, what we didn’t do, what we don’t have…. STOP… Breath….
Be Still…. KNOW you are enough, you are amazing. Everything is perfect.
Always knowing you have purpose and just allowing the balance within to be felt. NOW is to be enjoyed and cherished, no matter what is going on. Smile, laugh, cry, express, scream, shout, be you, ALL that you are. Accept and LOVE even the challenges, the unknowns and let the support of our great and infinite galactic and loving family, to support us.
Listen to the guidance, through your heart, connect to your higher self, hear the messages of love, peace and acknowledgement of god. The pain, the issue, the challenge, is temporary, you are so much more. You are infinite.
BALANCE and PURPOSE need not be apposing, you can feel calm and at peace, and be still doing nothing and that energy of your inner self, connection and peace is affecting so much more than you realize. In your happiness and enjoyment, you are creating a world of joy and peace, your energy attracting good into this place. LOVE in yourself always, is the balance and purpose of YOU.
Hold your head up high, you are connected and supported always, be grateful for YOU, for ALL, for experience, for life and for LOVE.”

Balancing your inner masculine and Feminine:

(a few months back I had this experience) **That moment** when you are emotional and looking through photos of your mum and then, like a tonne of bricks a realization hits you:
About your Grandfather, Father, Brother, Past Relationships and inner Masculine and how it has been playing out this cosmic duality battle ingrained in your DNA and inner pattern.
My inner masculine has been so disrespectful to my inner Feminine, not letting her be sensitive and intuitive and be treated right by others for her nurturing and giving heart.
I have thought of this on a surface level, but after a deep meditation this morning, the actual seeing of all the patterns and physical playing out of this from within me was immense, I am feeling so happy and balanced NOW and have been able to effortlessly forgive my inner masculine and all those lovely souls outside me who physically played out this inner energetic imbalance.
I am grateful and forgive all those men who hurt me and took advantage of me, just giving me an opportunity to see what I was really doing inside. WOW! New things coming, new balance, new awareness, new peace and deeper inner love.

#awareness #balance #divinebalance #masculineandfemininebalance #polaritytounity #innerunity

Respecting Your Sacred Temple

“Respecting Your Sacred Temple: The Gender Battle within and 10 Tips on Deeper Respect.

“10 Tips to really respect your temple:

1. Power of your thoughts:

Thinking nice thoughts and saying kind words about it, no matter what you don’t like, you will change and improve how it looks by loving, accepting and nurturing this part of your body, this will promote confidence, higher vibrations to create shifts and changes.

Meditation or contemplation in silence and stillness:”

FB LIVE: What is your balance? Why is it so important?
Balancing the poles within. 💖

“Love both parts of your soul, the male and female, we each hold both poles within, allow balance and utilize the gifts both energies hold within” – Cynthia Jauch

“As we go through life we begin to notice different parts of ourselves, sometimes the collective view of the duality in us and imbalance can make it hard for us to accept and use both parts.

The battle of the sexes and other dualities is that of the battle within us all, when we can see and experience this we begin to find a way for peace for both energies to live within our temple and they learn to work as one.

Over time we can learn how to harmonize with both songs and vibrations of the energies that exists within all of us, this creates an imaging and perfect feeling of wholeness and empowerment and affects our outer world and the way we connect and engage with other energies around us.”


BALANCE – Duality – Unity – Trinity

 Balance: A feeling of center and empowerment, a movement in UNITY of separate parts, a connection of differences working together and merging in harmony. Synergistic play, movement and stillness in perfection, breathing in life, connections to ALL, being felt and experienced.
Duality: Apposing and separating of one in two parts. Friction and conflicting behavior and reactions. Creating a shadow and a light, good and bad, masculine and feminine, extremes of parts of an ALL. One or the other, choosing black or white, rather than grey, feeling pulled and conflicted.
Unity: In communion with balance, feeling fruitful whole and integrated within each separate part connected. A uniting of TWO or MORE into the ONE of ALL which it is truthfully part of and connected to. A truth of UNIVERSAL LAW and perfect reunion. Reuniting of parts and collaboration, to be more cohesive and innovative. Energy efficiency, co- creation, sharing, loving and being without anything. From the many colors comes – the rainbow, from the many specks of sand -a beach, from the many drops- an ocean, from the many people- a family; a home, a community, a town, a city, a state, a country, a nation and planet, a solar system, a galaxy, A U-in-VERSE (universe)
Trinity: One and ALL in three parts, creating and communing, two parts creating a third, the ONE plus the ONE making a TWO and the ONE and the ONE making a THREE. With divine balance, LAW and perfection. In symbolic harmony and movement of patterns.

What do you think?

My Unity Vision:


In my head and in my heart I feel a future on the horizon, it is full of peace and love. There is a balance and harmony between all things connected. Could you believe in this perfect world for us? Where all species work in loving unison together, enjoying themselves, doing the things which they love.”

Top 5 tips for balancing your inner Masculine and Feminine:

1. Set Intention:

Set the intention to become aware of the reflection outside of where you are imbalance within, and allow integration, release and alignment when you see imbalances.

The POWERful MIND: 3 Keys :

“We all have a mind, the energy of our mental bodies. This place is the beginning of all creation. When we are victims and servants to our mind, we feel helpless to our unconscious habits, patterns and behaviors, humans are naturally creatures of habit, habits in our thoughts become our feelings and then actions and they inevitably become our results. In our life we want the best, so why would we not harness a powerful tool of our own minds to create all that we can think of.” – Inspire Destiny

2. Show Love:

Make sure you have love and compassion for self and all reflections you become aware of, send love to all those in your life who played out this imbalance for you to become more aware and balanced.

Self Loved Up :

“Self love. What does it mean? #LoveYourSelf

To me self love is about removing all the thoughts, feelings, words and actions which are unloving towards ourselves. This is a process, but an extremely important one. When we are unconsciously feeling unworthy and unloved by us or by others, we create sabotage and punishment for ourselves. Leaving us feeling lonely, abandoned and unworthy of the things we deserve and desire. But we have put ourselves there. Yes, our society does not educate us to embrace our individuality, in fact it suppresses our nifty quirks and gifts, all to be the same for a future of feeling enslaved by a system and grabbing at little things to create joy and fulfillment, easily addicted to that little time we feel love, or joy and then when it is gone, we crumble, not having a solid pillar of inner love for us, which is so important for our growth, fulfillment and connections in life.” – Inspire Destiny

3. Big Forgive:

Forgive both parts of self for any disrespect, including any outside parts of you in others reflecting your inner world, this act is massive in the way of healing and clearing ourselves out for more love, peace and balance.

Apology and Forgiveness :

“To say you’re sorry isn’t easy, admit your error and be genuine, accept some kind of failure and allow yourself to be vulnerable. Most of us avoid this, some like the plague. How ever it is so powerful and liberating to finally be honest and admit fault and try to correct your error of hurting another person. It takes a lot of courage.

As we apologize an unconscious expectation is for the other to forgive us but sometimes this doesn’t happen and the cycle can then begin again, pain, confusion, discomfort and we may lash out.

True forgiveness is not always easy, sometimes it takes time to realize and release the negative attachment. As long as we hold on to it we hold ourselves back from peace. ” – Inspire Destiny

4. BE Grateful:

Find ways to find gratitude regularly, for the lessons and benefit of past experiences which gave you more clarity and inner balance, including gratitude for those who helped you see things in a new way. Release hurt and Like above, forgive.

Magic of Gratitude! :

“GRATITUDE!! what are you most grateful for?
Do you regularly count your blessings?
I am thankful for all of you and everything in my reality. Especially the feeling of gratitude = grateful + attitude. If you don’t already have a daily practice of thinking, writing and/or speaking out loud what you’re grateful for, then I challenge you to.” – Inspire Destiny

5. Choose NOW:

Be present in the moment, with everything that shows up in your life, for integration, for more gentleness, compassion, clarity and opportunity to grow, ground and evolve.

Our Time is NOW!!! :

“To realize their innate divinity within and to start coming together in UNITY in any way which they CAN. To express and share my story and message to set a tone and cue for anyone waiting to be given this permission to be brighter  and to let their sparkle shine.

“Create the you, who you wish to become, for all personality and looks are changeable, not for others, but for you.” – Cynthia Jauch

We are never defined by others views, prejudice, our society or our past experience and choices, at any given moment, when we choose the NOW we can make new choices, we can re define us at any moment. Who do you want to be? What do you want to do? What do you want to have?

Allow your true nature from within, your pure essence of love and unity to present it self, to guide you, to protect you, to nurture you and love you. Infinite bliss and pure creation is your birth right, you can re create and change and evolve, you can choose always in the NOW. To grow and evolve and see peace, harmony and balance.” – Inspire Destiny


On a final note, a great way to get balance and feel clarity is through grounding:

Go out in nature and sit, preferably in the sun and breathe, visualise yourself connected to “Mother Earth“, stay here for a while, if you can get in water, natural water in the ocean clears your energy bodies and helps you feel more light, fresh and centred. Write down any concerns you have and than come up with all the possible solutions you can think of, this can help you feel supported expanded and aligned to solution, which can release stress and then you can feel more calm and balanced.

Bless – Ma Halo Malo Ma Halo

Check out: Traveller Destiny –  Xmas Magic – Power of YOUGrowth from the Journey$1 a HUGAs the Phoenix rises from the Ashes:  and Inspire Destiny – New Earth NOWGenerosity and Giving, Caring CommunityOur Time is NOW!!!

“Be Real – Be True – Be Honest – BE YOU.”

With Peace, Love and Light.
❤Namaste – Infinite blessings

Cynthia Jauch

If you would like more useful advice, guidance, healing or support check out our services below on our website and facebook page.

Inspire Desiny
Intuitive Medium, Transformation Coach, Healing Facilitator, Poetry, Writer/Author, Inspirational Speaker, Thought Leader and New Earth Visionary.

Feature Image Credit, Image 1 Credit,  Image 2 Credit, Image 3 Credit, Image 4 Credit, Image 5 Credit.

Our Time is NOW!!!

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Our Time is NOW!!!

This morning…. I had a dream in a mildly lucid and half-awake state; it was almost a command to me to do something. I was writing and expressing an understanding of something, it was about urging people NOW, to wake up. To realize their innate divinity within and to start coming together in UNITY in any way which they CAN. To express and share my story and message to set a tone and cue for anyone waiting to be given this permission to be brighter  and to let their sparkle shine. There was an immense urgency in this dream, it never left when I awoke, thoughts of the pending planetary shifts with Super Moons, Orionid meteor shower and us easing closer to the center of the galaxy, such tension building for so much, and uploads of energy. It is never been more important to stand in your sovereignty and unity, be you and let your amazing self shine. It is the eve of the Rare Aries Super Moon promising lots of changes. If you are reading this, I know there is an important reason for it.

I am not begging although I feel I should be, I feel the pain of the people, the animals, to inner battles, the death, the toxins everywhere, I travel the world, I see it, there is such amazingness and then such destruction. The reality is, the destruction outside us is allowed to exist in abundance because we are letting it win the battle within us. We are looking outside ourselves, for distractions, for love, for safety, for protection and salvation. We only need to be saved from US, from the victimization of not stepping into our true and glorious divine birth right, to choose to create and be abundant, to allow the shackles to fall. I might sound righteous or preachy, that is OK, for within me I fight my own battle and know from my own inner work, that when I turn the light on within and I let my trueness and brilliance shine without fear, it awakens and affects another part of my external reality. For within us exists everything reflecting outside of us, as we transmute the suffering or negatives within, or find peace and integration for them, we become more unified, we marry within us, out masculine and feminine poles, we harmonize with the cosmos and the god and spirit within our worldly temple of the body.


“We are letting it win the battle within us”


So again I urge you to let your true and complete worthiness and special gifts shine, see the both poles, however good or bad you may view them, allow them and love them, let them be part of you as a whole, acceptance and love within of every part is the most profound and fastest way to transcending a perceived threat, attack or pain you believe to come from outside of you. We each harm ourselves much more within the confines of our own mind. We aren’t limited from outside, we have become limited from within us, to the understanding of allowing ourselves to be part of all that exists, to observe and allow, for who does not have imperfections to be righteous enough to judge another. For when we begin to see the ways in which we can love and serve more to us and then to the world, we can feel liberation of the fears and challenges of the external world.

“Create the you, who you wish to become, for all personality and looks are changeable, not for others, but for you.” – Cynthia Jauch

We are never defined by others views, prejudice, our society or our past experience and choices, at any given moment, when we choose the NOW we can make new choices, we can re define us at any moment. Who do you want to be? What do you want to do? What do you want to have?

Allow your true nature from within, your pure essence of love and unity to present it self, to guide you, to protect you, to nurture you and love you. Infinite bliss and pure creation is your birth right, you can re create and change and evolve, you can choose always in the NOW. To grow and evolve and see peace, harmony and balance.


Please realize your major creative and transformation ability, you have infinite potential, allow and embrace your magnificent beauty and balance of unity within you. Love and be for you, be your truest and most joyous you. Shed the pain and the illusion of suffering, observe the false you and breathe into the discomfort of releasing the synthetic to allow for integration and completion within and inner peace to return of unconditional love.

We can change the world we think we see, from within our temple. I know this is a nice thought and until you have your own experience of what I am referring to, it will be a challenge to really know and understand what I say, even if it sounds honest and makes sense. There have always been struggles in this world, through history, the battle of Kings, the battle of Sexes, the battle of Religions and Nations. But really we all hold this battle in our thoughts, souls, DNA and when we choose to let the battle fade away within us, then we can really embrace peace and harmony within our vessel and then be a catalyst for its manifestation in the world around us. NOW on the earth with all the apparent WAR threats and injustice, with the illusions and things seeming DOOM and GLOOM we hold the power within each of us to make a change, to be the change, to let fear sit in the back seat and be our best, to share our golden gifts, to serve in us and share outside, to be a leading light and pillar of BALANCE and UNITY in the world.

I am currently heading to Dakota in America, on a long mission and Pilgrimage, I have created a Gofundme campaign to allow for more resources to this base of the earth, there are Natives from all over the world gathering to stop the Construction of an Access Pipeline under the Dakota land and water, there are those of Dakota, Lakota and more, as well as people all over the world like myself coming together. To do my part it starts within me, to connect to my mission, my heart, to know my purpose and shine my light wherever I go. My mum was a great women, she daily asked what Jesus would do, a true legend, giving in every way she could every day, as I am her daughter I promised on her deathbed that I would live my life the same way, going wherever somewhere needed help, support, love, connection and guidance. My life has transformed since my mother passed on and I feel even still closer to her NOW, I know she had a grand mission to be that guiding light of love, to be the example for me to see happy, brave and loving single women, in the world reaching every soul she could. I am so grateful each and every day for my beautiful mother’s example, to be the light in the world. Below is a mass realization I had about something I felt I needed to change within, after my dream this morning, I felt I needed to take some time out for me to process a lot of what is happening in my life and the world and how I can better be a part of the positive future I can see and feel within my heart. I am in awe and thanks to each and every soul who crossed my path, preparing me and leading me to the place I am right now, feeling confident and courageous to be who I am and to not fear to be my brightest and lightest in the world. Please shine your light, within and let the love within you wash away all your pain and imbalance and be a bigger part of the masterpiece of life that you were born to be. Be all that you are!!!


“Sometimes when we shine brightly, it triggers many around us. They might see it as bad, but really you are doing them a favor. Don’t take on the trigger for you. Bless them and let their triggers go, as you have released your own.” – Cynthia Jauch

In a world full of suppression, a lot of the things that are coming out now are the things to be purged and released, both in us and others. Things can only be hidden and pushed down for so long, before they come out to be cleansed and released. Be your true self, don’t worry if others stuff comes up, protect yourself with your loving heart and rainbow. Hold your energy within your heart of the spiritual warrior.

Letting our hearts beat and vibe out to the world, like a ripple to cleanse and brighten. At first people won’t know how to respond, but the seed planted will allow them to let go, face their fears in time, surrender and find the love and truth within themselves.

You are hear to be a light, a warrior, a rainbow soul, a leader, a guardian, to be your best and to not let anyone inner struggles be a reason to doubt you and all you hold within right now, to shine, to rise and to feel joy and peace.

BE the trigger, BE the rainbow, BE the ripple of newness, BE YOU! as true and beautiful as you are. It is the greatest gift you can give to yourself and the rest of the U- in – verse.


(Realization today)
**That moment** when you are emotional and looking through photos of your mum and then, like a tonne of bricks a realization hits you:

About your Grandad, Father, Brother, Past Relationships and inner Masculine and how it has been playing out this cosmic duality battle ingrained in your DNA and inner pattern.

My inner masculine has been so disrespectful to my inner feminine, not letting her be sensitive and intuitive and be treated right by others for her nurturing and giving heart.

I have thought of this on a surface level, but after a deep meditation this morning, the actual seeing of all the patterns and physical playing out of this from within me was immense, I am feeling so happy and balanced NOW and have been able to effortlessly forgive my inner masculine and all those lovely souls outside me who physically played out this inner energetic imbalance.

I am grateful and forgive all those men who hurt me and took advantage of me, just giving me an opportunity to see what I was really doing inside. WOW! New things coming, new balance, new awareness, new peace and deeper inner love.

#awareness #balance #divinebalance #masculineandfemininebalance #polaritytounity #innerunity


If you want inner peace, or guidance check out some of these posts I have written:

10 Greatest Lessons from AdversityRespecting Your Sacred TempleInner StrengthsThe POWERful MIND: 3 KeysSex, Love and New Paradigm UnionCaring Community, . The Art of Learning!Self Loved Up

A Poem for a world needing us to Love unconditionally and Unite as one for ALL.

World in Chaos:

Fear, hate, pain..
Crying babies, it’s insane.
As we rise, we heal.
Within, we move the seal.

Opening to our potential,
creating a heaven, here.
Don’t look out.
Don’t hate what you see.

From within,
a torturous grief.
The sun will rise,
a new day.

Chance to ease,
an inner fray.
Use the time,
in peaceful contemplation.

We hold the power and the key,
For global harmony.
Take off your glasses,
the horror struck tint.

Our inner journey,
knows the way.
Create a unity, within.
Don’t delay.

Running will, further this,
Cosmic battle.
Must we keep,
such unnecessary hassle.

Please my family,
find some inner peace,
take off the illusion of shackles,
and release.

Look up to a new dawn,
of peace.
Beginning within you NOW.
It all starts in your heart.

The old will rise,
creating harmony.
Allow a rising of 4th to 5th.
Transcending the denseness,
of 3rd, fallen rift.

Look up and smile,
a connection always present.
Eternal in your, temple.
Find your truth, the real you soon.

I know within,
we can all win.
Sovereign being, so magnificent.
Reclaim your creative, right,
from birth.

Gaia calls us,
her children of light.
rising up,
to all take flight.

Move beyond the chaos,
We can create, and let it disappear.

© 2016 Cynthia Jauch
A Symphony of Words


“Be Real – Be True – Be Honest – BE YOU.”

With Peace, Love and Light.
❤Namaste – Infinite blessings

Cynthia Jauch

Intuitive, Coach, Healing Facilitator, Poetry, Writer, Speaker, Thought Leader and Visionary.

Feature Image Credit , Image 1 Credit , Image 5 Credit , Image 6 Credit ,



My Unity Vision

Image Posted on Updated on


In my head and in my heart I feel a future on the horizon, it is full of peace and love. There is a balance and harmony between all things connected. Could you believe in this perfect world for us? Where all species work in loving unison together, enjoying themselves, doing the things which they love.

Inspire Destiny

I want to share with you this place I see, it is full of magic and marvel. Children playing, singing and laughter all around. In this place there is an absence of illness, conflict and pain. Nothing is dying of anything other than natural causes, of the cycle of life. The earth is thriving and all beings on their mother are in a place of abundance and perfection. Imagine, if only to temporarily hold your disbelief this is possible for our future, play fantasy for a moment. How would you enjoy a place of fun and freedom, compassion and life of growth and fulfilment. No trying for anything, all flows and unfolds in balance and harmony. No having to struggle to survive, food and shelter in abundance, no one homeless, no one separate, left out or made to feel unworthy. Kids growing and evolving to their potential, with no limitation. No need for drugs, alcohol, or other substances or actions to avoid a negative feeling or situation. Always feeling totally part of  a supportive and loving community.


I know there would be some people who would love to argue that this is a fairy tale and an unrealistic view of what the world is like and the problems around us, but it all comes down to the choice of the individuals. We are only responsible for our own thoughts, choices and actions and those of our children while they are very young (to some degree), it is within each of us to imagine a thriving and positive future. Our great ancestors did not live the way we currently do or have so many illness and conflicts that we have today. There was places and times, when we lived in our hearts connected to our feelings, our families and our divine parents. If this is possible for the past and is something which can be conceived in the mind,  it is totally a possible future, if we choose it. If we decide within to stop creating separation, of ourselves and others. When we were born we did not know this concept, we were taught separation, disconnection and pain.


I believe in this vision and there is many others out in the world coming together to accomplish this vision, I am so grateful and fortunate to know people making a difference, getting together and creating sustainable and community run businesses, finding more sustainable way and new innovations to solve problems of disease, disconnect and separation. The earth has got enough resources for all of us and no one should go without food, shelter and love. We are born with the right of choice on a planet with free water, and food growing all around us. If we all come together in love, sharing the gifts we have and being respectful to ourselves and others, my vision doesn’t seem so far fetched. I know it is easy to make excuses and point the finger but if we want what we rightfully deserve, in fresh drinking water and natural organic food, freedom of speech and time. Choice to be happy and feel worthy, we must come together as well as looking within to find the courage to take back what has be wrongfully taken from us.

Inspire Unity

Together we will triumph, there is many of us and too many suffering unnecessarily.

For my own part of my vision I have 2 projects,Free Hugs 4 Awareness and Inspire Unity Movement. Please email me for interest in either of these @

Changing the Stigma FacebookAffiliated with

I have met some  amazing people globally coming together through there businesses for connection and a healthy and peaceful future. Some are here:


Organic Family Community Co-Op

Lean and Green

Gather Change


Jeffrey Slayter

If you can’t see this vision as a reality then please ask yourself: “Why don’t I want to make change within and connect to a brighter future?”

🙏😊❤Infinite Blessings-Namaste🙏😊❤

“Be Real – Be True – Be Honest – BE YOU.”