A Journey of 1000 miles – Your birth is that first step…

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“A Journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step” – Lao Tzu

Your birth is that first step…

After many beautiful sunrises and sunsets all over the world and full moon magic so many places.

(Dating back to December) From the beautiful town of Rosarito Mexico (country number 12 in 2 years) I offer a journey of my own, from only 2 years, as it has been the fullest experiences of my life, for I take that step out of bed each day, with the intent to be my best and live life to the fullest.

There was a time a few years back where I was tired, sick, depressed, anxious and lonely…..at both 10 and 17 I attempted to end my life.

I was grateful, I was opening and surrendering to my purpose, I would give all of my self and was slowly cracking open to a new world, a new life and a new being, like the phoenix rising from the ashes….. My intuition began to grow, in some intense ways, from hearing others thoughts to seeing premonitions.

My mother was sick with cancer and I had a full-time job, achieving all the things I had thought I was meant to, single though with no time for love or my nurture being met, in debt, with no supportive person in sight, many nights I cried myself to sleep, praying for guidance. One day, enough was enough, I made a promise to myself, that each day I would live life as though it was a dream, to face fear head on and follow my heart. This day was the turning point and all else became magic, even in the challenges.

Through this time I was a boss, a worker, a business owner….
I became a speaker, and spoke all over the world, my truth and passion, to different crowds of people, from poetry of the heart to channeled messages from the stars and tips and lessons for growth and authenticity.

I have been called a liar, a fraud, a bad friend, fat, ugly, hated, an attention seeker and much more horrible names, all which I have forgiven. I always aspired to be honest and the best self I could be, growing up I was told I was too nice, but continued to move and act in service and love to my best awareness. For words can cut so deep, at times I believed these pains of others as my own, until I realized we all hold our own truth and universe to create and share.

I have lost so many friends, been kicked out by family, had some really harsh and nasty things happen to me, even in my youth, I have been beaten, as an adult sexually abused and much more. But none of this makes my choices and decides my destiny or my worth.

I have been so blessed and gifted with the experiences I have had.
Shortly after my dear mother passed I set out on a journey, later to be known as the philosophers path, money showed up at the last minute to make this dream a reality, each night I went to bed and looked at my vision board, seeing and feeling my travels all over the world a reality and knowing in my heart of hearts I would be rewarded for all the nights I had suffered and still faced each day with new hope, respect and service. I had since quit my full time job, after my mother passed, after suffering exhaustion and severe hormonal imbalance from a long time of neglecting what my body was calling for, love, kindness, gentleness and peace. There was some misunderstandings and my leadership and innovation did not suit the norms of a huge corporate business, even one that was created on ethical principles.


I am not going to share every step along this journey for I know you have your own stories and experiences of magic and hardship, but some details I am guided to share.

I had the common childhood of a middle child, in a big family with catholic parents, so my indoctrination into systems and all the do’s and don’ts in life was deep. This caused so much guilt and anxiety through puberty and feelings of unworthiness and being bad.

Since my mother’s passing 2 years ago and my commitment to live each day to the fullest I have lived many of my long time dreams in only 2 years:

Climbed many mountains and visited many magical beach’s, became a motorbike rider, I learned to surf, I got to go skydiving, walk on hot coals. be surrounded by 1000’s of dolphins in the middle of the ocean, paragliding next to the Himalayas, ride a camel from the Great Pyramids to the Sphinx in Egypt, See the Taj Mahal in India, Witness some of the greats of Europe – Leaning tower of Pisa, Colosseum (dangled my feet off the edge) and the Vatican, volunteered in India and spent time in half the states of North America and Most states of Australia, I have been on motorbikes in India, Nepal, Australia, Italy and Watched the sunrise in Uluru one of the most sacred lands and sights in Australia after hitch hiking across the country, visited so many sacred sites, been part of a prayer ceremony in North Dakota and on the Ganges in India, been to the birthplace of Buddha and tracked the Sacred lands of Sedona Arizona, walked along Hollywood walk of fame and many other places and not to mention all the amazing and magical food I have tasted.

I started writing many novels (Traveller Destiny – Destinies Journey to name a few (Details on release here) and wrote in my 3 blogs and publishing poetry, expanding my business and building an amazing team, collaborating with some outstanding way showers and soul family and learning from some brilliant children.

I have seen the likes of Oprah, Hugh Jackman and Stevie Wonder live on stage, shared ceremonies and rituals with shamans and chiefs, shared stories and music with elders of different countries.

I have met, pixies, wizards, angels, ET’s, sages, shamanes, chiefs, unicorns, dolphins (in human form), mystics and so many magical and wise beings, all whom have taught me so much.

I have held my passing mother in my arms and watched her pass on, I have cried until I nearly threw up, held babies so small in awe of their magic, held hurt and dying animals close with love and comfort, stood naked in front of many and bared my soul to be seen, I have peed my pants, fallen and broke down, screamed and yelled, hurt myself in frustration, crashed my car, lost parts of my mind, thought I was going to die from not being able to breathe, been in hospital nearly dying and more wins and wounds, I have laughed, cried, sang and danced to my hearts content all over the world, without any apologies.

I have opened myself up so much to be seen, to be hurt, to be loved, and to love myself and others so deeply, I have been very deeply heart broken and feel the pains of those close and far. I have loved so deep it hurt oh so many times, I have been rejected by those I would give my life for, been shut out and shunned.

I have protested for human rights, indigenous rights, animal rights and the land we live on and it’s water, I have stood on the streets for anyone in need of a hug, an ear to listen, someone to care, I have given shirts off my back, blankets and food to the homeless. I surrendered most of my physical possessions and became a gypsy following the call of spirit and being grounded in the NOW.


I have watched the homeless cry and children beg for money, I have slept on the streets on numerous occasions with love and gratitude in my heart. I have held many people through grief, listened and cared when they hurt and shared their pains and challenges with me, trusting me to be strong, to be compassionate.

I had much inner healing, both self and external, from reiki, angel healing, shadow healing, dream therapy, coaching, past life regression, oracle and psychic readings, mind shift work, crystals, gongs, medicine drums and other sound healing, chakra balancing, many meditations on forgiveness and self love, used affirmations and guided meditations and more.

I have been to many seminars and workshops on business, success, life, public speaking, presentations and much more, been to spiritual retreats and had visions of so much deep in meditation and through yoga practices, mudras and chanting.

I opened up my spiritual channels to be a voice for the earth and her children, to channel books, poetry, oracle cards, festivals, documentaries and more.

I have spent months at a time in confinement studying health and wellbeing, philosophy and philosophers, ancient teachings and history, scriptures, religions, crystals, healing and many 100’s of educational books, on business, relationships, personal development and spirituality, also videos, articles and live presentations. With certified study in healing, coaching and many other modalities.

Many jobs as a writer, an assistant, a sales manager, a trainer, a psychic, an oracle, a counselor, a healer and more, as well as being on many radio shows and video interviews for multiple projects.

I have learned to love so deeply, share myself in truth and rawness, without fear of acceptance, hate, judgement or abandonment, in person and online, to so many. I have met the truest and deepest of loves, bonds so deep, magical and unexplainable from other worlds.

I feel I have lived a full life in only two short years of this life. I am so grateful and honored for the 1000’s of souls I have met, shared with, call family, friends and more, for those no longer in my life who I think of very much and those who only crossed my path briefly.

I found my Soul, My Souls Name, My Soul’s Destiny and I found My connection to Spirit/God/Source/Prime Creator.

Through all this the one thing that still scares me the most is being open and vulnerable to be rejected by the ones I love the most, to find such deep within myself to not fear or worry for any needed external. Very rarely in my life do I ever ask for help or will I call a friend in tears, I am often the one called for a shoulder, an ear, a kind word, encouragement and love. For this I go within, to god, christ, the divinity I know we all have within us and always will. This has been a catalyst for some of my greatest transformations and channelings.

I would never give up a single second of this life and experiences no matter how painful, challenging or hard it seemed in those really bad times and to receive the gift of the perseverance and to remain with a kind heart and smile on my face, for me and for those watching who are also suffering and wanting to know it gets better and it does.

I am no different from you, from all of this joy, pain, happiness, sadness and more I have simply learnt we are all beautiful, we are all worthy and powerful, we are all unique and brilliant, we are all seeking our inner truths, love, acceptance and place in this world.

I have become and let go of many selves, real and false over the last 24 months, shed so much, stories, pain, parallel lives, shadows, entity attachments, ego parts, integrated much of my masculine and feminine, old beliefs and programs and still so much more to release.

I love you so much, more than words can express and from all my experiences the ones that are dearest to me are when I drop my guard and be seen, as real, as raw, as human and beyond human, when I see the light in me and others, to do anything and be free, to be a light, to rise above adversity and follow our bliss, to share some extraordinary experiences with people all over the world.

From the desert to the country, the beaches to the city in many roles I played, many sizes in clothes, many hair styles and colors, many places and faces, many views and opinions, many costumes and pretends and play:

“I Am that I Am” No more and No less than each and every single being in this amazing universe.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you, no matter who you are or where you are, I honor your path, your experience, and purpose and say let your dreams manifest, you are more than worthy.

If I could share advice for one thing from all of this it would be:

“Listen, Listen to your heart, Listen to the wind, Listen to your body’s wisdom, Listen to your Divinity and your inner intuition and liberating power and gift from our Creator” – Destiny Fae

Bless – Mahalo

Mahalo nui loa

Check out: Traveller Destiny –  Xmas Magic – Power of YOUGrowth from the Journey$1 a HUGAs the Phoenix rises from the Ashes:  and Inspire Destiny – Top 5 Tips to LifeDivine Masc and Fem RisingDREAM BIG – THINK BIG – LOVE BIG = 3 Manifesting WowNew Earth NOWGenerosity and Giving, Caring CommunityOur Time is NOW!!!

“Be Real – Be True – Be Honest – BE YOU.”

With Peace, Love and Light.
Namaste – Infinite blessings

If you would like more useful advice, guidance, healing or support check out our services below on our website and facebook page.

Inspire Desiny
Intuitive Medium, Transformation Coach, Healing Facilitator, Poetry, Writer/Author, Inspirational Speaker, Thought Leader and New Earth Visionary.

Feature Image Credit, Image 1 Credit,  All other photos taken by Writer.

10 thoughts on “A Journey of 1000 miles – Your birth is that first step…

    […] amplification of the energies on earth right NOW, to shed, purge, heal and release and rise, are at an all-time high, I feel especially in Kauai and the Hawaiian Islands. A few […]


    The Spider and the Moon: Ceremony/Tips on Signs said:
    April 16, 2017 at 5:47 pm

    […] amplification of the energies on earth right NOW, to shed, purge, heal and release and rise, are at an all-time high, I feel especially in Kauai and the Hawaiian Islands. A few […]


    […] out past posts: Being a WOMAN, The Spider and the Moon: Ceremony/Tips on Signs, A Journey of 1000 miles – Your birth is that first step…, My Top 5 Tips to Life/achieving your […]


    […] out past posts: Being a WOMAN, The Spider and the Moon: Ceremony/Tips on Signs, A Journey of 1000 miles — Your birth is that first step…, My Top 5 Tips to Life/achieving your […]


    The Seed: Whole Systems Transformation said:
    June 27, 2018 at 12:33 am

    […] out past posts: Being a WOMAN, The Spider and the Moon: Ceremony/Tips on Signs, A Journey of 1000 miles — Your birth is that first step…, My Top 5 Tips to Life/achieving your […]


    […] Seed: Whole Systems Transformation, Being a WOMAN, The Spider and the Moon: Ceremony/Tips on Signs, A Journey of 1000 miles — Your birth is that first step…, My Top 5 Tips to Life/achieving your […]


    BE the Status-YOU ~ Kick the Status-QUO said:
    July 14, 2018 at 2:52 am

    […] Seed: Whole Systems Transformation, Being a WOMAN, The Spider and the Moon: Ceremony/Tips on Signs, A Journey of 1000 miles — Your birth is that first step…, My Top 5 Tips to Life/achieving your […]


    Self Loved Up « Inspire Destiny said:
    July 14, 2018 at 10:44 pm

    […] past posts: The Seed: Whole Systems Transformation, Being a WOMAN, Divine Masc and Fem Rising, A Journey of 1000 miles — Your birth is that first step…, DREAM BIG – THINK BIG – LOVE BIG = 3 Manifesting Wows, Xmas Magic – Power of […]


    Our Masks can come off « Inspire Destiny said:
    July 18, 2018 at 10:02 pm

    […] Whole Systems Transformation, Being a WOMAN, The Spider and the Moon: Ceremony/Tips on Signs, A Journey of 1000 miles — Your birth is that first step…, My Top 5 Tips to Life/achieving your […]


    Lions Roar to the POWER of 88 « Inspire Destiny said:
    August 6, 2018 at 7:44 am

    […] Whole Systems Transformation, Being a WOMAN, The Spider and the Moon: Ceremony/Tips on Signs, A Journey of 1000 miles — Your birth is that first step…, My Top 5 Tips to Life/achieving your […]


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