
Goddess Synchronization

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I couldn’t not write this….. too much magic!!


Start Christmas day, Mountain climb up the glass house mountain, Tibrogargan to watch the sun rise. On the drive noticing 3:33am when nearly there and listening to Hands by Jewel and thinking of my Mum, being a bit emotional. This is the song she used to listen to when she cleaned the house and I put it in the video I made for her at the funeral.


Mountain climb, this was amazing and I had to get a Merry Christmas video taken on the edge too. On the way down after talking about my Native American life I hugged a tree hug. My amazing soul who came with me Greg, was telling me about the Native Indian which gave him the Merkabah in a heart I was borrowing. So I had to add him on Facebook and go to the Eumundi Markets to see him. Last year while climbing this mountain I found out my name Cynthia is actually after Mount Kynthos in Greek and a female name because of the Moon/Hunt Goddess Artemis of Daughter of Zues was born on the Island Delos and got nicknamed Cynthia.

A week ago I got the Earth symbol tatto0ed on my wrist, with the kanji for year of Dragon and Yin Yang with the Bagua symbols for all things, Chinese symbols. By this awesome guy called Ky from

 Foundry Ink

 at the Sunny coast.


Back to Chinese culture my Nine Star Ki is 3.5.3,  a process that pre dates Numerology. Remember this because it’s important, In my book on my kindle, The 3 is a warrior soul number.


For the first 3 it is:

3 – Tree:

Associated with: Sunrise, East, Early Spring, Liver/Gallbladder, Light green

Character of House: Proceeding, Advancement, Beginnings, Accomplishing, Optimism, Creativity

The 3 Tree Personality: Emotional, strong, idealistic, poetic, brilliant, active, aesthetic, kind-hearted, straightforward, romantic, successful
Extremes: Temperamental, opinionated, stubborn, competitive

Check it out on this site: Nine Star Ki

After the climb I saw Horses everywhere and forgot to look them up in my book ( I got a book for Spirit Animals). A few days after seeing the horse everywhere, words, pictures and symbols I looked it up.

Horse: About to embark on an unexpected adventure and will have to move quickly once it’s initiated. Lower down: Needs strong warrior energy, balanced with sensitivity, patience and compassion.

Later that day after going to visit my second mum (my ex boyfriends mum), I decided to stay away for a few days in solitude near the ocean. Wanting some peace before the busy new year that I’ve planned. A friend who lives on the Sunny coast, called me and offered for me to stay at thier place while they are away. Perfect I think!!!!

Now side note this is the streets I am staying on in a triangle.


So I must mention one of my new best friends who I call my elder flame’s name is Lindsay, who is a Taurus and just like my mum. Who I posted a pick of me and her from Sky diving together and getting twin Namaste tattoos in a previous post:

 Overcoming fears and speaking your truth.

Keep Alice in wonderland in mind…..

So I go get the key and they show me this book (mentioning how much I will love it):


Which after reading some of, I cried a little! It’s about Dolphins and Whales beaching themselves and calling out for help psychically to the lady who wrote the book. It’s an amazing book and I have always had an AFFINITY to dolphins, since as far back as being five or younger and loved the beach.

This evening of the Christ Birth Full Moon, I put my crystals, oracle cards and my friends out to charge in the moon light.

Now I must say if you see the Travel stone in the middles,  rose quartz Runes to the left bottom and at the bottom right is a goddess pendant that has written underneath “listen to your heart” which I got when I was here with another friend for their birthday and paid for a Medium reading for them and saw the goddess pendant for my car.

After charging the cards I decided to do a reading with my friends oracle cards. The elementales deck, as I have seen a lot of dragon flys everywhere recently and the spirit guide book says it’s about working with fairies and elementales and I have a sticker on my car with fairies on dragon flies.


The card I drew was this:


Gaia stone, (earth goddess/spirit) Now it’s a good time to mention that I have the number plate with the end 444, because I see 4 everywhere, I am 4th born and 4 is my main Karmic debt number.

Check out the books meaning:


Before bed I wrote down what I wanted to manifest and some money and abundance was surely part of it…….

The following day I saw a friend post a picture of this book, as a gift she got from her parents.


Amazing book, I was thinking about how much I wanted it and then, I found it among my friends books as a gift from their mum. Magic Right??

So I looked it up and then came across this


Mount Saint Helens (side note my Aqaurian Aunts name is Helen) and I am an Aquarius if you can’t see the zodiac sign on this. Also Greek Earth Goddess, High Vibrational Green stone. Remember my nine star ki also mentioned green? Beneficial for self healing, past trauma and emotional wounds.

Later this day I went out out and saw the numbers 999, 111, 888 and 555 all in a few minutes so I took a note to look their Angel numbers up and this is what it said:


When I got back to the apartment and was reading I saw this book, by the same author as My spirit Animals book.


On Sunday my Mountain climb friend came and took me out to Lunch and there was an amazing market place next to us, I love markets, so we went to look. There was an amazing couple playing music that made me want to dance and I gave them a hug and had a chat. Check out there music here:

 AZUR (As you Are) Charly and Rodger Bradshaw

After dancing to this music and having a lovely moment my friend and I found some beautiful scented and artistic candles by the lovely 

Seth Kingsbury ,

who we also got a hug from.

After leaving here I stopped to look at some crystals and hit a wind chime, which was pink, not an accident really, it got a talking to the beautiful Leann from

 Natural Crystal Jewellery

After I saw this

Made of Blue Obsidian and said on it from Mount St Helens, this caught my attention. COINCIDENCE???? I think not, this crystal is good for Astral Projection, Oh yay!! I haven’t been able to do that in ages. I need this crystal. I didn’t have spare money though as I was paying for a friend to get her daughters names tattooed on her arm the following day for Christmas.

Side note: Saint Helena Island is in the South Atlantic Ocean check this site out:

 Dolphin Watching


Someone on my facebook posted a picture of a dolphin tattoo just for me to see as a sign. The dolphins are calling to me, I feel there song when I am at the beach….

The following day I went to get the tattoo with my friend, now I  could get another one matching my friends because I was lent some money by the Mountain/market friend. The words were to be Infinite Blessing with a infinity winged dragon fly. Check out the above Spirit animal meaning for dragon fly again….. Something to do with Fairies and Elementales…

When we went to get the tattoo we were told the words wouldn’t fit so we just got the dragon fly, which is perfect. It was from the same place as above tattoo, Foundry Ink Mooloolaba Sunny Coast and Ky is the only artist to ever tattoo me more then once out of my 7 tattoos, such an amazing artist.


This evening I asked my guides for messages, I asked to be spoken to and did a card reading with my Rainbow deck and this is the first card I got.

And this is the last card

After this reading I did a reading with my runes and realised I didn’t have the pictures on my phone of the meanings any more and like magic while looking at books in my friends shelf I found this


With the runes drawn as The Self (current situation), Constraint (Challenge) and Movement (Outcome). So divine!

And finally Yesterday a post from Bali by a friend on Facebook, who I met after I had a dream I would meet them, this was at a showing of “The Shift” (Wayne Dyer) after his passing. I gave them a big hug and told them of my dream when we met. This is what happened in the post:

Unexpected money showed up after an amazing meditation today. I am serious!

And I’m going to Bali! AS of today! I get there on Monday and go and catch up with the amazing Scotty Ze. Check out his Adventures and wisdom here:

 Scotty Ze – Self Love Adventures

Check out my adventures here:

 Traveller Destiny

A side note the first 2 of books mentioned are published by Hay House and I have a dream to have my book Traveller Destiny Published by them, when it’s finished and my second one next year! Just putting it out there! With faith, love and gratitude

I am going to be giving out Free hugs while in Bali, check out my page for this here: Free Hugs 4 Awareness

Be Spontaneous:

Much Love

🙏😊❤Infinite Blessings-Namaste🙏😊❤

“Be real, Be true, Be honest, BE YOU.”
#christmasmiracle #magic #peace #beleiveintheimpossible





Overcoming fears and speaking your TRUTH

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Coming to the years end! what an amazing year, as I reflect on my growth more things to overcome are raising to the surface. Shedding new layers of my old self! Part of this was overcoming confusion in relationships, facing fears, speaking my truth and releasing old KARMA!

 I started video blogging, went sky diving and got some Tattoos on my left wrist, releasing the karma from a past life in slavery and chains.



For me I have been restoring the BALANCE within myself, integrating opposite poles and finding the connection within, forgiveness and higher level of self love, healing ancestral KARMA and connecting to nature and my spirit animals and those other caring energy beings all around. Through this experience of this tattoo, I found a new place within, simply of observation and sensational awareness, no judgement, no resistance,  simply feeling and watching the bodies reaction to the surroundings. It was quite profound for me.


This tattoo is intentionally on my left arm, as all the ones I’ve got this year, as a reminder to be more receiving, as this is my receiving arm. The middle symbol is the Chinese year of the dragon and wrist tattoo is 3 symbols for earth, to ground me and all my souvenir from my trip to China in March to see some temples. I have always been fascinated by thier poetry, ancient culture and wisdom.


I have confronted a few people about uncomfortable topics and cleared my throat chakra the past few weeks and been getting voice coaching. It’s great to face fears and lift the weight of thinking things could be worse then what they really will be. Peace out.

;🙏😊❤Infinite Blessings-Namaste🙏😊❤

“Be real, Be true, Be honest, BE YOU.”


Holiday Cheer!

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Getting in to the SPIRIT!

It’s Christmas eve and I am feeling grateful and thinking what is most important this time of year. So I got to rhyming about it. Maybe I’ll do a rap one day haha!


Inspired with thanks on this high energy occasion, caring and sharing and laughing in-store, rushing and gushing, with fluster a buster all to show love through a word, thought or thing, to think now what counts to me, the words true and sincere for the appreciation showed in return to me this time is about giving of love in any way you heart feels the need, buying and trying might be one way, but to me the gift of the day is the time shared and exchanged, the trials and tribulations put aside for some time to get in the spirit is making me rhyme, our Christ and savour is coming to show us the way, a baby so pure to light up the day.


Wishing you ALL a fun, loving holiday season.

;🙏😊❤Infinite Blessings-Namaste🙏😊❤

“Be real, Be true, Be honest, BE YOU.”


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A grateful soul.

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A grateful soul.

So thankful and gleeful for my moments, meaningful, magical, fun and free…..

To express and experience each hue of vibration, colour and creation to its brightest destiny….. Rhyming, timing, perfection of wording…

Expression, creation, performing and channelling… My cells are alight, flaming and burning, pulsing and vibeing and forever humming….

The seconds in NOW which magic behold, those moments you cherish and embrace something told… Or not told but known… Deep from within.. I feel it, I know it, this gratitude such a triumphant win….

Good day to you all, wishing the utmost glorious splendour, to find in YOUR moment a diamond to remember….

© 2015 Cynthia Jauch


;🙏😊❤Infinite Blessings-Namaste🙏😊❤

“Be real, Be true, Be honest, BE YOU.”

Water Meditation

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Floating with my eyes closed……..
Drifting into bliss……..
AS I become aware of the sensations in the body……
The ripples of water so intertwined into my being…..


Floating around, not controlling, the body I reside in like a boat in the water, protecting and encasing the spark of awareness that is life animating this mass of dense particles in many intricate communities of atoms, proteins, molecules doing amazing things all by the unconscious power of the mind, nervous system and neural pathways…….
Peace, purity, stillness, FLOW………
The ALL that is in ALL and around ALL…


Ripples, waves, vibrations – manifest in many ways into matter but everything is connected and interwoven with everything else.

Never can we be alone….

We are always part of everything, only when we ignore and disassociate with this truth does the pain and suffering of detachment to our core and connection occur…

Lines and waves in ALL, Male (phallus) 1, Female (Vagina, Yoni, Circle of Birth) 0, Binary in nature and also under woven science of numbers and patterns throughout all existence, especially that of animated life, ALL but lives as ALL comes from LIFE force, which came from nothing.


Main cause of 4 energies
Different expressions to create more degrees of manifested MATTER from the MIND of ALL.


Feeling like a leaf floating freely in the wind, just allowing myself to BE……

Such is the way…


by: Lao Tzu
;🙏😊❤Infinite Blessings-Namaste🙏😊❤
“Be real, Be true, Be honest, BE YOU.”

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Be ALL that you ARE!!

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As I reflect on all the experiences in my life and all the skills I have gained over the past, especially the previous year, I feel overwhelmed with Joy, Love and Appreciation for all the unknown situations that presented the perfect lessons and skills for my future and present.

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We are not just what we are taught but what we learn from ALL experience, it is a beautiful intricate tapestry of memories, sensations, responses, evolvement and expressions. I personally believe all our education of life should receive more credit and be valued and celebrated by society, these are treasures. The qualities and personal growth from all the ins and outs of the day over time, building upon what was there before. Embracing the abundance of wealth, knowledge and skills that our time and life have gifted to share and transform all future events of our life.

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I find it sad that the most important skills and knowledge are not credited by people unless there is a piece of paper saying we did it and it had a certain criteria and test and was accepted and recognised by a particular corporation or group of ideals by others. Where does our value then lie? We surrender our value to others. I say NO, I hold my value, my dream, my past, present and future. I take full responsibility for my choices, actions and thoughts of creating, sharing and experiencing my life.

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There are things unbeknownst to me and out of my conscious awareness and experience, things which shape my personality, Strengths, weaknesses and challenges but I do not relinquish what I do have power to effect. We all have within us ALL that we need, for our joy, happiness, growth and acceptance, we ALL hold tremendous value.

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On this subject I especially think of and credit mothers, a MOTHER and or Parents which encompasses so many skills, qualities and strengths not taught in a room or course but this is not an essential role in business? Why not?? These skills and all it entails are so important and beneficial to any business, project or client. How different would things be If we could put on our resumes our natural gifts, personality type, preferences, ALL life skills and experience. I say if you aren’t already then do it, think what these are and how valuable YOU are to anything, because of them. Think of these in an interview not your courses and tests past in a room and accepted by others but the things you value and hold dear? If this isn’t what they want, this is not the best path for you and your journey and fulfilment.

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Trust you are GIFTED with all you need, to be ALL you want, attract all your heart desires and are supremely supported. Use your BLISS, PASSION and Most joyous activity of self expression as much as possible, when you are happy and free from worry, you think and attract good to you and your life, Harness and remember these feelings and vibes, remember these when you’re low, write them down in detail and go back to it when something external makes you briefly forget.

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ALL in LOVE is ALL in LIFE, when you do what you love, in that moment anything is possible, you open your mind, heart and spirit to receiving and giving, you’re more generous and accepting, more flexible and resilient to anything potentially challenging. Never forget the LOVE within you, it’s enormous strength, courage and capacity to create and expand, to heal and to transform.

Don’t deprive others of enjoying your unique talent and gift, you have them to express, to share, don’t doubt there worth in this world, you would not have the desire to express and joy to share if you were not meant to.

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Be ALL that you ARE! Don’t down play your skills, values, talents and passion to make others feel comfortable, if they feel insecure of unvalued by you embracing your value it’s a lesson for them to embrace and discover their own natural gift. You don’t help anyone by playing small, you degrade yourself and limit their potential to see who they are and what value is with in them. It’s not your job to make others like you. Not everyone has personalities that click and having quality people around who are loving and accepting, who will lift you up higher is for the greatest good, you can’t make space in your life for these people, if you are being someone else for the ones who aren’t.

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“Be real, Be true, Be honest, BE YOU.”


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  Every glance of a photo my heart beat quickens.
Every memory of a kiss, sends shivers through my body.
Every time I see that name I get a smile.
Every message makes me so excited.
Every rejection rips my heart in two
And every useful thought encourages, I forget him because we’re through. 


Look up!

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Look up!!

The purest blue, so vast and true.

To pass the day, it will not stay.

The phases through, a change so subtle. Until again the light so little.

Although small they shine with brightness, little treasures endure the darkness.  

© 2015 Cynthia Jauch 


The trouble with love is… 

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Oh how love is a tricky thing. The overwhelm and quickening of your heart beat.

You tell people you know the right person because you feel most at home in their arms, you never bore from staring into their eyes, you’re in awe of how amazing they are and that both your plans align perfectly. They say they feel the same….

Then something happens. You don’t know why but the connection has a fracture and things just change. You still feel the same but maybe they don’t. It was like a drug, so blissful and magical but when it’s gone, you wonder was it real. But you learn something every time. That you’re strong and beautiful and it’s all part of the amazing journey of self discovery.

The highs and the lows to balance the soul. To learn your preference. To change a path and find new strength. We all know the pain, it feels like it will never end, we rationalize and debate with our heart. Trying to salvage our bliss and joy, wishing it would come back. Looking forward seems so hard but freedom will succeed eventually and we will prepare for the journey ahead with our heads held high, still with a thread of hope that the one will show themselves. When the time is right.

🙏😊❤Infinite Blessings-Namaste🙏😊❤

“Be real, Be true, Be honest, BE YOU.”


Risk it all!! Do it!

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What would you risk?
Most of us have to think long and hard before taking a risk, calculated risk we call it. But how many times when you calculate a risk do you actually then take it? Yes we’ve all been taught to be careful and make good decisions. We have almost been made to fear ever messing up. Like every risk or mistake will end in death or terrible consequences.


For too much of my life I lived in fear, I missed out. I always felt tired and like something wasn’t right. I was doing everything I herd I was supposed to, the job, the car, the relationship and the following the rules all the time. But I was miserable.


The world is actually a very wonderful and for the most part safe place, despite what other scared people tell you your whole life. Yes danger is real and sometimes calculation of risk is necessary. But to calculate your whole life and to believe life will go according is a) ignorant and b) boring. There are things in the world you are yet to be aware of, there fore you would never think to calculate it into your plan and if things went to plan, you would totally miss out on all the amazing things you never knew existed.


We all hold inside us inexhaustible courage, joy and peace but if we constantly look outwards for guidance, love, acceptance and acknowledgement we will never find enough. Risk is the token to which you deserve the reward. If you aren’t prepared to take risks and big ones, you will never reap the amazing benefits around the corner. Fear is contagious and it is but a feeling, like anger it can become actions that limit us and cause grief. Courage is but the act of doing even with the fear and there for disarming it from controlling us.


Anything can be made possible if you so believe, decide and take the risk. You will always disbelieve until you have a little strand of faith to take the leap, the risk and prove to yourself you’re worthy of the reward.

This is me dangling my feet off the edge of the Coliseum in Rome a few days ago. (Totally not allowed, I climbed over the rails)


I have met so many amazing people and become so excited and overwhelmed with joy from taking big risks. Things I never could of imagined. And I’m totally in one piece.
If you are interested this is my blog for my travels.

Traveller Destiny

🙏😊❤Infinite Blessings-Namaste🙏😊❤

“Be real, Be true, Be honest, BE YOU.”

Go in courage, faith and joy and please take a risk today and it will change your life. ✌️💖