The Art of Learning!

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Learning:  What does this word mean to you? School? University? Perhaps self study?


We do not get taught how to learn, only what to remember in school, for us to get a job and or have more study where we are told what to remember and how to behave. Has learning lost it’s spark, where knowledge becomes meaningless and just a thing to force your brain to retain to get a piece of paper? If so it is a sad truth. But I  know there is a better way.


Learning can be joyous, from experience comes wisdom and this moulds marvellous creations and infinite expansion. We have an untapped abilty to be amazing beings of growth, innovation and tremendous potential but we all have our own unique genius and way of learning. Some people prefer visual, some kinesthetic (touch), some audio. As we allow ourselves to learn things with a method and process to easily retain the information and  knowledge we require for a fulfilling life and achieving our goals and desires, learning becomes so much fun.


I recall hating school, I was bored and I spoke and got in trouble, my body and soul responding to this with physical illness in which I was accused at the time of being a hypercondriac as my symptoms and  actions did not match up, my mum didn’t know what to do with me. I left school just before I turned 15, as 15 was the legal age. Barely completing grade 8 and since my self education and learning has sky rocketed, I fell in love with learning and using my skills and unique essence to have more learning faster, from reading, writing, course creation, workshops and much more. My knowledge, language, written and math skills far surpass my siblings who have completed all their schooling years and some even uni or college. For my love of learning and not just memorizing what I am told, has infinite potential, I am not capped at what others decide or how others choose to judge or critic my ability to know or use information.


We each hold the keys for our mind and their potential and if we have kids we have choices of how to allow them to grow and flourish in their lives and education. What and how is the most beneficial way to learn?  In this fast paced digital age there is so much information and technology at our fingertips to be able to achieve so much and our options seem so much wider, so why are our education institutes more limited? in resources? in processes? In life? In passion? We can change this. It all starts with us. Changing our own views on what is acceptable and using the tools to learn for ourselves, using our experiences to learn wisdom and having more empowerment in how we are educated.


Select a new subject to study and choose for the learning to be fun and I suggest the below 5 tips to help with this:

  1. Know your learning style, Audio, Digital, Visual or Kinesthetic (Touch and Hands on)
  2. Use something you like doing with your learning i.e listening to your fav music.
  3. Pick a subject you love.
  4. Get a friend or loved one involved to learn with you.
  5. Set your mind to banish the negative view of learning from whatever negative experience you had. it isn’t about remembering, it is about enjoying the journey to new understanding for life and experience.


As we each shift our view of what education and learning can be we open up the collective view of our own inner potential to grow and excel in life, experience and choice. We are all full of untapped wisdom and potential. I encourage you today to let it shine.

“Be Real – Be True – Be Honest – BE YOU.”

With love, peace and light.
💜️Namaste-infinite blessings 💜

Cynthia Jauch
Intuitive, Coach, Healing Facilitator, Poetry, Writer, Speaker, Thought Leader and Visionary.

Cover Image Credit , Image 1 Credit , Image 2 Credit , Image 3 Credit Image 4 Credit , Image 5 Credit , Image 6 Credit


12 thoughts on “The Art of Learning!

    Self Loved Up « Inspire Destiny said:
    August 24, 2016 at 1:20 am

    […] A great mentor once told me of a person who changed their life by saying they met someone who loved themselves so much it gave them permission to do the same. This is so true, the more we treat ourselves with love and respect, in a gentle and nurturing way, with our thoughts, words, actions and the things we choose to allow in our world, the greater gift we can give and share with others. The best leaders, lead by example, people follow authentic people, they can trust, if you see someone walking their talk you don’t need to question them or what they do or say, their lives become a testament to what can be achieved and what wisdom they have gained from experience in life. […]


    Inspired to Inspire « Inspire Destiny said:
    August 24, 2016 at 2:35 am

    […] did this. I was always told by adults to get over it and just be like everyone else, get a job, go to study, move out, get married, have kids, like there was no other way, no other […]


    Inspired by Illumination! « Inspire Destiny said:
    August 24, 2016 at 5:55 am

    […] ourselves to embrace our sovereignty  and believe we can change and improve, as a collective we can grow and move through this power struggle and […]


    Sex, Love and New Paradigm Union « Inspire Destiny said:
    September 4, 2016 at 1:06 pm

    […] and adults, as that is what they know. Real love is unconditional, no limits, boundaries are beneficial for growth and clarity, but love shouldn’t be the result of being something specific or doing something specific, or […]


    Inspired by Illumination! | Soul Fam United said:
    September 7, 2016 at 12:21 pm

    […] ourselves to embrace our sovereignty  and believe we can change and improve, as a collective we can grow and move through this power struggle and […]


    10 Greatest Lessons from Adversity « Inspire Destiny said:
    September 15, 2016 at 4:46 am

    […] tough times, like being alone with no support, no money, being homeless, the death of my mother, challenges in school – dropping out at 15, being physically, verbally and sexually abused, having things stolen […]


    11 Tips on Conscious Dating « Inspire Destiny said:
    September 16, 2016 at 2:10 pm

    […] people are still people, we are all learning and […]


    Our Time is NOW!!! « Inspire Destiny said:
    October 16, 2016 at 2:35 am

    […] Strengths, The POWERful MIND: 3 Keys, Sex, Love and New Paradigm Union, Caring Community, . The Art of Learning!, Self Loved […]


    New Earth NOW « Inspire Destiny said:
    January 14, 2017 at 4:21 am

    […] gifts and taking a path of radical self love, travel and throwing myself in the deep end to grow. There has been many known things on this journey, mostly from inner knowing and experience, I have […]


    […] got it and also had the same BIG plans, and when we come together and THINK them, Believe them, KNOW them and fill them with LOVE, nothing will stop them from being seen and felt by many, as the visions […]


    Divine Masc and Fem Rising « Inspire Destiny said:
    February 4, 2017 at 3:09 am

    […] gifts and taking a path of radical self love, travel and throwing myself in the deep end to grow. There has been many known things on this journey, mostly from inner knowing and experience, I have […]


    […] got it and also had the same BIG plans, and when we come together and THINK them, Believe them, KNOW them and fill them with LOVE, nothing will stop them from being seen and felt by many, as the visions […]


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